HMG Membership
Membership includes:
Membership includes:
Occasional bulletins: see previous publications
Email alerts about current local and national events and activities
An active Facebook page
Advance notice to free or reduced rate admission to our special events
Regular circulars and newsletters from the Bat Conservation Trust and Mammal Society
Insurance cover at our events; membership required in order to actively take part in our outdoor activitities
Membership costs and details:
£8.00 (individual) or £12.00 (family/household) renewable annually from 01 October (AGM usually held in October)
Members joining in August or September are eligible for membership for 14 months
Membership is deemed to have lapsed if not paid by 31st December
Request a Membership Application form via email or download one yourself: Use the MS Word download or PDF download.
If you use either of the download links, you'll see the file on the viewer. You can print a copy of the form directley from this viewer if you wish. Alternativley, on the top banner, tap the download icon (a tray with a downward pointing arrow); this will put a copy of the file into the Download folder on your computer. Find the file and double-click it to open in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat. If you have MS Word, you should be able to complete the form on your computer, save it and send it to HMG. If you don't have MS Word, liklihood is that the protected sheet won't let you enter much so please print a copy. Any problems, please contact us!
You can either post your completed form to the Membership Secretary at the address printed at the foot of the form or photograph or scan it and email it to HMG at
We prefer payment by bank transfer (it saves us additional banking fees) but, if you prefer, you can send us a cheque in the post with your membership form
If you wish to pay by bank transfer and/or create a Standing Order, contact the HMG Treasurer for details of HMG's bank account
Membership enquiries
You can contact HMG Membership/Treasurer at this email: