

Below are some links to HMG forms and documents:


Membership Application

Mammal Recording

Membership Documents - for members only; link will invoke an email request


AGM Minutes (Most recent)

Accounts (Most recent)

HMG Privacy Policy Request

HMG GDPR Statement

HMG Code of Conduct

Risk Assessments

HMG-01 Working with Ladders and Step Ladders

HMG-02 Outdoor Field Surveys, Monitoring for Bats and Other Small Mammals (Members)

HMG-03 Mist Netting and Harp Trapping for Bats

HMG-04 Working in Disused, Derelict and Building Structures including Confined Spaces

Newsletters and Bulletins

Click this link to find a selection of documents

HMG Bat and Swifts in Churches Project Documents

The Herefordshire Mammal Group has been working with the Dioceses of Hereford to find ways to increase biodiversity in churches and churchyards, whilst, at the same time trying to alleviate pressures that some forms of wildlife can cause to the church community.

Ten Herefordshire churches benefitted from wildlife measures funded by an HLF grant in 2016 and part of that funding was used to produce a booklet about the project with some useful information about managing both bats and swifts without compromising them or their breeding success.

Bats and Swifts in Churches Information Leaflet