Mammal Records

Mammal Records

* * * Notice to commercial organisations and consultants * * *

HMG does not retain or maintain a database of the mammal recordings it receives; all data is submitted to the Herefordshire Biological Record Centre for storage.  Therefore, any commercial organisation or consultant requiring information for the purpose of development should contact the HBRC at the address within the article below.

County Mammal Atlas

Details and links are available on our County Species & Atlas page

Your Sightings and Records

HMG are very interested in your mammal sightings and are keen to receive any information about what you have seen.  It could be that you have seen the animal itself (dead or alive) or other evidence of mammal activity (e.g. remains such as bones or a skull, nests or burrows, droppings or footprints).

Option 1: If you have a few individual sightings, you can submit these records directly to the Herefordshire Biological Records Centre via their online form.  Use the following link: HBRC Record Sheet.

Option 2 : Download a copy of HMG's Excel Mammal Recording Sheet.  This has all the details we need to know about your sighting.  Use it over a period of time and when you've a good collection, send the file to HMG or direct to the HBRC.

Option 3: If you prefer to send us an email, that's fine.  Remember to include the following information:

Please submit your mammal observations to the following:

Any records you send us will be forwarded to the Herefordshire Biological Records Centre (See ***  Note  *** below).

Option 4: You can use one of several Apps that are now available such as Mammal Mapper

Option 5: You can send your records directly to the Herefordshire Biological Records Centre at the address below; remember to include all the information requested in Option 3:

Herefordshire Biological Records Centre

PO Box 230



Tel.: 01432 261538 or 260500

Fax.: 01432 261802


***  Note  ***

Although a previous decision to close the HBRC was reversed by Herefordshire Council, financial constraints continue.  In the event that the county loses this facility sometime in the future, HMG will seek to provide another means of storing mammal records until another suitable alternative is found.

National Grid Reference

To determine a NGR using an Ordnance Survey map, follow the instructions given in the OS Interactive Guide to the NGR

The Where's The Path website provides side-by-side both a map (sometimes displaying older versions late in the day) and satellite image of your site; find your site, point the arrow and read off the NGR.

A good alternative is the UK Grid Reference Finder site which provides several options to help find a site and provide a NGR and Lat/Long references.